Friday, December 10, 2010

Deer hunter claims he captured "spooky image"

According to WVLA in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, a deer hunter claims he captured this image wandering through the wilderness in nearby Berwick on his stand camera.

The hunter reported that the camera was broken when he came to retrieve it, but the strange image was saved to its memory card.

What do you think:  Hoax or not?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It looks like a phantom from Scooby Doo.

  3. Oh come on - is this person really helping the paranormal world? No! The more hoaxes that surface the less chance anything of substance having a proper hearing. The things people will do for notoriety!!!

  4. Sorry but this appears to be a hoax to me.

  5. Looks like a hoax, but you really don't know for sure. I say this because stranger things have been captured on photo and I've been witness to some photos that I know were real, because I was there when taken, but they were so unbelievably good that others have said it was a hoax. So honestly, I can't say it's fake, unless I was there :)

  6. Not to me I have over 25 years in the understanding the paranormal
    photography, and studied under the 3rd ranked in the nation. this is not normal at all!!!! and I find it could be validated.

  7. I'd like to see the rest of the photo.
    It looks as if it was cropped from way out in the distance, or the camera used was of very poor quality.
    I use cameras for deer hunting and the photos that I get look as if they were taken at night by a real camera. They have great detail, and cover a wide area.
    This photo to me, looks kinda pixely, as if it were cropped or resized.
    It's a strange looking being, but hard to tell without more info.

  8. I agree Jeff about qualaty and posably an older deer camera I wonder if there are other frames of it to see, Looks lke a Gray to me.

  9. I phone app for stand cameras, fake rotlmao.

  10. Could b real. Look at its eyes, ya know how animal eyes look all flashy like that when u take a pic of them....the creatures eyes looks like that.

  11. most definitely not a hoax, however could be an animal that the camera didnt fully pick up, the glowing eyes suggest a non human. but definitely not a ghost or spirit...

  12. are you sure they didn't take this at the airport?

  13. Looks Like a Job fot the X-Files!!!

  14. Fake, fake, fake. Ridiculous that anyone for even a moment would consider this to be real.

  15. I posted a photo that was real and every one called it fake hoax whatever. Lets all stop judging everyone else.

  16. it's a fake.....

    my experience..... i'm a paranormal investigator....

  17. I agree that it is hard to judge the actual photo with just this cropped image. I have studied the paranormal for 14 years and have come across some very strange stuff similar to this. We always posted both images, the original and the zoomed in one.

  18. Where did this photo come from, and how was it established to be a hoax? I'm just wondering if someone found the information out or it's shear speculation on your part. I'm curious because this appears to be a extremely thin old man crawling on his hands and knee's. Something a very old person would have difficulty doing. As well as the mouth and face look's more K-9 in appearance. So is it a extremely starved dog with manlike feature's? Just wondering?

  19. Hoax. Looks like the author of this hoax clipped an image of an Olympic speed-skater (the position this 'ghost' is in is exactly like that the speed skaters display while racing), fiddled it around in Photoshop to remove the colours, details, and sharpness, added the glowing eyes, and put it out there to see how many people would get suckered.

  20. Serious hoax. Look how perfect the eyes are. Sorry, doesn't fool me.

  21. If it isn't a hoax, I don't think I'd be hunting there anymore...or anywhere for that matter.
